Saturday, June 07, 2008

Stay off the sidewalks

Holy smokes, Batman. Can you believe this? JJ got his driving learning permit. He is SO excited. Dad is NOT excited. Have you seen the movie "Dan in Real Life"? "Dad, can I drive? If you don't let me drive I'll never learn. But I'm afraid if I let you drive, you'll never live." I am NOT prepared for him (or any of my children) to drive but I realize I can't stop it. It's a good job JJ has Rich because yesterday he grabbed JJ and said "Let's go" and off they went. JJ even took grammy for a ride in HER car. Grammy's first grandchild is driving.


Kevin said...

I hope he has a better first six months than KJ ;)
I'm sure you hope so too.

Lydia said...

I can't believe he's old enough to learn to drive.

Lindsay said...

Wow we are getting old!!!