Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Food - How do you stack up with the rest of the world

My friend in Serbia sent me an interesting e-mail about how the world eats and what they spend. I found the original TIME article but I like this blog better because it is attached to a map (this is mainly because of my ignorance for a couple of the places that it mentions). So, how do you stack up? How do the Davis' stack up? Lately, we've done pretty darn well not eating out. Jake and I had to grab hamburgers last night at McDonald's since we had a late night at hockey practice. We had yummy steaks, potatoes, and salad on Sunday. On Monday we had a crockpot roast, potatoes, and carrots. I took out Brats to grill for tonight. Too much meat, I agree. We do go through lots of fresh fruit. We usually eat a bag of apples, a bunch of bananas, a carton of grapes, a carton of strawberries, a couple of cartons of pineapples each week. For breakfast the kids usually eat eggs, hot cereal, or pancakes. I usually have cold cereal, yogurt, and juice. Most days I try and have leftovers for lunch. Like today, I brought leftover quiche, and a couple of hamburger patties from last week. So, to put a dollar figure I would say that the Davis' spend about $150-200/week on food (a bit more than the folks in Breidjing Camp.

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