Saturday, May 26, 2007


Okay, yes it is late and I have to be up in an absurd 3 hours from now to get to the airport. But I simply couldn't pass up taking a few minutes. We left the far reaches of civilization to head to the "big city". Next time I need to remember to bring a towel and a decent pillow. The client does NOT like people to travel on the road to the city after dark. Apparently, the banditos on a particular stretch of road like to punder. Well we didn't see any banditos but it was dark, pretty foggy and rainy in parts.

I'm staying in the Radisson, top floor way nice room. Much better than last night. Instead of venturing out tonight, the hotel has a sushi bar. Yum Yum. To drink I had a typical local drink of lemons, mint, and semillas de chan (seeds of chan). Very tasty. I had two very good maki rolls. If you've ever eaten sushi with me you know that I LOVE ginger. The server brought me a small bowl. I asked more more, and more, and more, and more (and 3 more times). Yum Yum. A warm brownie topped off the fine dinner. Who would have thought. Now it's nighty nighty time.

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