Friday, December 08, 2006

More on Romney

I found this poll on MSN pretty interesting. Over the past several months it didn't matter who I talked to (Mormon or not), few people told me that Mitt has any chance at all in becoming the POTUS in 08. Why? Because he's a Mormon. Check out this poll and then explain why it is so lopsided then.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

I just read an excellent article out on meridian magazine about all of this. It sounds like Mitt is winning over some of the staunch evangelicals. I still doubt he can be elected, I think it more likely that this will be a huge PR win for the church. All of the myths and misunderstandings that people have out there will have a chance to be dispelled. Something that no amount of MormonAds or PSA commercial time could buy.
I think that even if he does not get the Republican nomination it could be a huge PR win for the church. Of course if someone like Hilary Clinton gets elected then I will know the end is near ;)